Petrophysical Investigation of the Khurmala Formation in Taq Taq Oil Field, Zagros Folded Belt

Keywords: Hydrocarbon, Khurmala, Porosity, Reservoir


The Tertiary rocks of Khurmala Formation in the Taq Taq oil field have been studied using wireline log analysis, drilling cutting descriptions with integration of mud logging report, and test results for understanding reservoir potentiality and fluid distribution. The formation comprised dolostone and dolomitic limestone with an intercalation of clay layers between the recognized beds. The formation has variable thickness throughout the field, 99.8 m from the northeastern limb and 109 m in the southeastern plunge. The calculated shale volume in the studied interval shows a high rate of the clay contents which in some points the gamma ray has 100% of shale. The corrected log-derived bulk porosity subdivided the Khurmala Formation into 5 porosity units from the top to the bottom including (Kh-1, Kh-2, Kh-3, Kh-4, and Kh-5). The first (Kh-1), third (Kh-3), and fifth (Kh-5) porosity units have the average porosity ≥0.10 (10%) that can be considered as good reservoir unit in terms of porosity, whereas the shale contents reduced the reservoir quality of these units. However, well hydrocarbon entrapment through interconnected fractures and fault in the other Tertiary reservoir was recorded in Taq Taq field , but the weak connectivity of the pores in the Khurmala Formation caused this rock interval remains as water bearing zone.


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Author Biographies

Fraidoon Rashid, Department of Engineering, Kurdistan institution for Strategic Study and Scientific Research, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region

Fraidoon Rashid is a lecturer and researcher at the department of engineering, Kurdistan institution for strategic study and scientific research. He got the B.Sc. in Geology from University of Sulaimani, the master degree from Sulaimani University in Petroleum Geology and the PhD from the University of Leeds-UK in petroleum reservoir engineering. His research interest is in reservoir engineering, petrophysics, fluid flow and permeability modelling. Dr. Fraidoon Rashid is a member in London Petrophysical Society (LPS).

Devan O. Hussein, Department of Geology, College of Science, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region

Devan Hussein is a lecturer at the department of geology, college of science, university of Sulaimani. She got the B.Sc. in Geology from University of Sulaimani, the master degree from Sulaimani University in Petroleum Geology and the PhD from the university of Leeds-UK in petroleum geology. Her research interest is in reservoir geology, petrophysics, diagenesis and well log analysis. Dr. Devan Hussein is a member in
Kurdistan Geology Society.

Hawar A. Zangana, Department of Petroleum and Energy Engineering, College of Engineering, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region

Hawar Anwar Zangana is Assistant lecturer at the department of Petroleum and Energy Engineering, College of Engineering, Sulaimani Polytechnic University. She got the B.Sc. in Geology from Salahaddin University-Erbil, and master degree from Salahaddin University Erbil in Petroleum Geology. Her research interest is in reservoir geology, well logs analysis and geologic modeling. Ms.Hawar is a member in Kurdistan Geology Society.


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How to Cite
Rashid, F., Hussein, D. O. and Zangana, H. A. (2020) “Petrophysical Investigation of the Khurmala Formation in Taq Taq Oil Field, Zagros Folded Belt”, ARO-THE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF KOYA UNIVERSITY, 8(1), pp. 5-16. doi: 10.14500/aro.10556.