
At Aro, all research articles and most other article types undergo a thorough peer review process. This involves evaluation by at least two independent, expert peer reviewers. Through this rigorous process, we ensure that only high-quality and impactful research is published in our journal. We value the diverse expertise of our peer reviewers, and their valuable feedback helps us maintain the highest standards of academic excellence and integrity. Their contributions play a vital role in shaping the scholarly discourse and advancing knowledge in their respective fields.

Peer Review Policy

At Aro, we uphold a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and credibility of the articles we publish. Our peer review policy is designed to maintain the highest standards of scientific integrity and promote the advancement of knowledge in various fields.

Peer review is an essential step in the publication process, providing critical evaluation and constructive feedback on submitted manuscripts. All research articles and most other article types undergo thorough peer review by at least two independent, expert reviewers.

Our peer review process follows the principles outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Upon submission, manuscripts are first assessed for completeness and then sent to an Editor who determines their suitability for peer review. If necessary, an alternative member of the Editorial Board is assigned to oversee the review process to avoid conflicts of interest.

The selection of peer reviewers is based on various factors, including expertise, reputation, recommendations, and absence of conflicts of interest. We strive for diversity in peer reviewer selection, considering geographical regions, gender identities, racial/ethnic groups, and other demographics.

Peer reviewers are expected to provide objective, constructive, and evidence-based evaluations of the manuscript's scientific merit, methodology, and significance. They assess the paper's originality, validity of results, clarity of presentation, and adherence to the journal's criteria for publication. Reviewers are encouraged to follow the ethical guidelines for peer reviewers set forth by COPE.

The peer review process may be conducted using different models, including open, transparent, or anonymized peer review, depending on the journal's specific policies. The identities of reviewers and authors are kept confidential throughout the review process.

We value the contributions of our peer reviewers and recognize their invaluable service. As part of our appreciation program, we provide opportunities for peer reviewers to receive recognition through ORCID and Publons, where they can showcase their verified peer review activities.

At Aro, we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in peer review and promoting a culture of integrity, diversity, and inclusion. We appreciate the promptness and professionalism of our reviewers, which enables us to provide efficient and timely publication decisions.

We encourage peer reviewers to raise any concerns or questions they may have during the review process, as well as to adhere to the guidelines and conventions specified in our Peer Review Policy. Together, we strive to ensure the quality and credibility of the research we publish and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in academia and beyond.

Peer Reviewer Selection

Selecting the right peer reviewers is crucial to ensure the quality and integrity of the publication process. At Aro, we consider several factors when choosing peer reviewers, including their expertise, reputation, specific recommendations, potential conflicts of interest, and previous performance. We prioritize reviewers who demonstrate speed, thoroughness, sound reasoning, and collegiality.

Editor Responsibilities:

  • Editors are responsible for securing a minimum of two peer reviewers for manuscripts reporting primary research or secondary analysis of primary research. In exceptional circumstances, such as niche or emerging fields, it may not always be possible to obtain two independent reviewers. In such cases, editors may make a decision based on one peer review report, ensuring it meets the required standards outlined below.
  • Peer review reports should be in English and provide constructive evaluations of the authors' work, specifically regarding the appropriateness of methods, accuracy of results, and support for conclusions. Editorial decisions should be based on peer reviewer comments that meet these criteria, rather than on short, superficial reports lacking a rationale.
  • Editors are responsible for independently verifying the contact details of suggested reviewers, and should use institutional email addresses whenever possible. Each manuscript should be reviewed by at least one reviewer not suggested by the author.

In rare instances when two independent peer reviewers cannot be secured, the Editor may act as a second reviewer or make a decision based on a single report. In such cases, the Editor must have sufficient knowledge in the subject matter, sign the review for transparency, and ensure that the report is detailed and thorough. Additionally, the first reviewer should be a senior expert who has recently published on the subject.

Authors are advised not to recommend recent collaborators or colleagues from the same institution. However, they can suggest potential peer reviewers in the cover letter. To verify the identity and expertise of suggested reviewers, the Editor may require their institutional email address and ORCID. Confidentiality should be maintained in all communications between Editors and peer reviewers, and reviewers should promptly disclose any conflicts of interest before accepting an invitation to review a manuscript. The Editor's decision regarding the selection of peer reviewers is final, although some requests for exclusion may be considered but are not guaranteed to be fulfilled.

Peer Reviewer Diversity

Aro values diversity, equity, and inclusion in the peer review process. We encourage our Editors to select peer reviewers from diverse geographical regions, various backgrounds, and underrepresented groups. By promoting diversity, we aim to ensure a broad range of perspectives and expertise in evaluating submitted manuscripts. This approach enhances the quality, credibility, and inclusivity of our publications. We are committed to fostering an environment where all researchers feel valued and empowered. Together with our Editors and peer reviewers, we strive to maintain a fair and unbiased review process that upholds the highest standards of academic excellence and integrity. Thank you for joining us in our commitment to peer reviewer diversity.