Welcome to Aro - The Scientific Journal of Koya University! We appreciate your interest in our published papers and would like to provide you with a guide on how to cite and use the research articles found on our website in your own publications.
Citing a Published Paper from Aro's Website:
- Start by locating the specific research paper you wish to cite on our website.
- Within the paper's webpage, you will find a section titled "HOW TO CITE." This section provides you with a standardized citation format for the paper.
- Follow the citation format provided, which may include details such as the author(s) name, title of the paper, journal name (Aro - The Scientific Journal of Koya University), volume number, issue number, page numbers, and publication year.
- Ensure that you accurately include all the necessary information as per the provided citation format.
Using Published Papers from Aro's Website:
- When utilizing the research articles published on Aro's website in your own work, it is important to properly attribute the original authors and provide appropriate references.
- Begin by citing the paper using the instructions mentioned in the "HOW TO CITE" section of the paper's webpage.
- Include the citation in the reference section of your publication, adhering to the citation style recommended by your academic institution or the specific journal guidelines you are submitting your work to.
- You may also consider including a brief acknowledgment or statement specifying that the work you are citing is sourced from Aro - The Scientific Journal of Koya University.
- If you are referencing figures, tables, or other specific elements from the paper, ensure that you provide the appropriate attribution and clearly indicate the source.
We encourage you to thoroughly read and engage with the research articles published on Aro's website. By citing and properly referencing the work of fellow researchers, you contribute to the scholarly dialogue and acknowledge the intellectual contributions of others.
If you have any further questions regarding citations or the usage of our published papers, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Our team will be happy to assist you.
Thank you for choosing Aro - The Scientific Journal of Koya University as a valuable resource for your research and scholarly endeavors. We wish you success in your academic pursuits.
Best regards,
Dilan Majid Rostam,
Editor-in-Chief, Aro - The Scientific Journal of Koya University
In Aro we use Harvard Referencing system, so see How To Reference - Harvard Style Referencing Guide