To submit your manuscript to Aro, please follow the guidelines and procedures outlined below:

  1. Manuscript Preparation: Ensure that your manuscript is prepared according to the journal's guidelines. These guidelines typically include details regarding the formatting, structure, and referencing style of the manuscript. You can find these guidelines on the journal's website or in the Guide for Authors.

  2. Register an Account: If you have not done so already, create an account on the Aro journal's submission system. This will allow you to access the submission portal and track the progress of your submission.

  3. Access the Submission Portal: Log in to the submission system using your account credentials. You will typically find a "Submit Manuscript" or similar option on the system's dashboard or menu.

  4. Enter Manuscript Details: Provide the necessary information about your manuscript, such as the title, abstract, keywords, and corresponding author details. Make sure to double-check the accuracy of this information before proceeding.

  5. Upload Files: Upload the files related to your manuscript, including the main manuscript document, figures, tables, and any supplementary materials. Ensure that the files are in the required format (e.g., Microsoft Word or PDF) and that they adhere to any file size restrictions specified by the journal.

  6. Confirm Compliance: Confirm that your submission adheres to the journal's policies and guidelines. This may include confirming that the research has been conducted ethically, that the manuscript has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere, and that all necessary permissions and approvals have been obtained.

  7. Review and Submit: Before submitting your manuscript, carefully review all the information you have provided, including the manuscript files and metadata. Once you are satisfied with the submission, click the "Submit" or similar button to finalize the submission process.

  8. Confirmation and Tracking: After submission, you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your manuscript. You can also track the progress of your submission through the journal's submission system. This will allow you to monitor the peer review process and receive notifications regarding the status of your manuscript.

It is important to note that the exact submission process may vary slightly depending on the journal's specific submission system and requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully read and follow the instructions provided by Aro during the submission process.

If you have any further questions or require clarification, you can contact the Aro journal's editorial office or consult the Guide for Authors available on Aro's website.

Aro's Submission Chart