Enhancing Cancer Diagnosis

A Hybrid Level-Set and Edge Detection Approach for Accurate Medical Image Segmentation

  • Ismail Y. Maolood (1) Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Knowledge University, Erbil 44001, Kurdistan Region—F.R. Iraq; (2) Department of Information and Communication Technology Center, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Erbil, Kurdistan Region—F.R. Iraq https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1683-1493
Keywords: Cancer detection, Computer-aided diagnosis, Edge detection techniques, Level-set method, Medical image segmentation


Early diagnosis of cancer is crucial for improved patient results. With the aim of improving the effectiveness of cancer diagnosis, this paper introduces a new proposed method, computer-aided diagnosis, utilizing the level-set algorithm based on the edge detection approach for medical image segmentation. To assess the performance of our method, it was proven on a highly varied dataset that comprised liver cancer, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain cancer, and dermoscopy color images. By effectively integrating edge information into the level-set evolution process, the proposed method achieved impressive results. For liver cancer images, we obtained an accuracy of 0.9913, a sensitivity of 0.9165, and a Dice coefficient of 0.8820. Similarly, for dermoscopy color images, the method achieved an accuracy of 0.9979, a sensitivity of 0.9301, and a Dice coefficient of 0.9301. In the case of MRI images, the method demonstrated an accuracy of 0.9933, a sensitivity of 0.8591, and a Dice coefficient of 0.8591. The proposed method outperforms traditional techniques such as Simulated Annealing combined with Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Entropy with Level Set thresholding. This method demonstrates superior segmentation accuracy and robustness. By enabling precise identification of cancerous regions, this approach supports early diagnosis, reduces misdiagnosis, and enhances treatment planning, offering significant potential for improving cancer care and patient results.


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Author Biography

Ismail Y. Maolood, (1) Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Knowledge University, Erbil 44001, Kurdistan Region—F.R. Iraq; (2) Department of Information and Communication Technology Center, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Erbil, Kurdistan Region—F.R. Iraq

Ismail Y. Maolood is currently a Director of Statistics and Planning at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. He received a Ph.D. degree in computer science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China, an M.Sc. degree in computer science from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, and a B.Sc. degree in computer science from Salahaddin University-Erbil. His research interests include the IoT, image processing, networking, and cloud computing.


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How to Cite
Maolood, I. Y. (2025) “Enhancing Cancer Diagnosis: A Hybrid Level-Set and Edge Detection Approach for Accurate Medical Image Segmentation”, ARO-THE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF KOYA UNIVERSITY, 13(1), pp. 75-85. doi: 10.14500/aro.11942.