Three-dimensional Image Segmentation using Tissue-like P System

  • Salah I. Yahya 1- Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Koya University, Danielle Mitterrand Boulevard, Koya KOY45, Kurdistan region – F.R. Iraq. 2- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, University of Kurdistan Hewler, Erbil, Kurdistan region – F.R. Iraq, 3- UTM Big Data Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai, Malaysia
  • Rafaa I. Yahya 1- Department of Computer, Collage of Science, MustansiriyahUniversity, Baghdad, Iraq. 2- UTM Big Data Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai, Malaysia.
  • Bisan Al-Salibi UTM Big Data Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai
  • Ghada K. Al-Khafaji 1- Department of Computer, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq. 2- UTM Big Data Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai, Malaysia
  • Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin UTM Big Data Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai
Keywords: Membrane computing, Region-based image segmentation, Three-dimensional images, Tissue-like P systems


Membrane computing (MC), which abstracts computational models from the structure and functioning of biological cells or population of cells in tissues, has served as a rich framework for handling many problems. Various types of P systems have been proposed in the literature to perform edge-based and region-based segmentation of two-dimensional digital images. However, less attention has been paid to the segmentation of three-dimensional (3D) medical images. Hence, the main contribution of this paper is to propose a tissue-like P system for segmenting 3D medical images. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that practically adapts MC for 3D images. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach in segmenting 3D images, and it has the potential to be used in real-world


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Author Biographies

Salah I. Yahya, 1- Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Koya University, Danielle Mitterrand Boulevard, Koya KOY45, Kurdistan region – F.R. Iraq. 2- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, University of Kurdistan Hewler, Erbil, Kurdistan region – F.R. Iraq, 3- UTM Big Data Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai, Malaysia

Salah I. Yahya is a Professor, joined the Department of Software Engineering at Koya University in 2010. He has a B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, M.Sc. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and Ph.D. degree in Communication and Microwave Engineering. He is a Consultant at the Iraqi Engineering Union. Dr. Yahya has many scientific publications; (2) books, (14) Journal Articles and more than (32) conference papers. He is a senior member of the IEEE-USA and a member of AMTA-USA, SDIWC-Hong Kong. Dr. Yahya is a regular reviewer of the Electromagnetics Academy, Cambridge, USA, PIERS Journalspublications, since 2009, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials journal and International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, as well as, a regular reviewer of SDIWC conferences. His h-index is (7). [Click to see Academic Profile]

Rafaa I. Yahya, 1- Department of Computer, Collage of Science, MustansiriyahUniversity, Baghdad, Iraq. 2- UTM Big Data Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai, Malaysia.
Dr. Rafaa I. Yahya received her B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Al-Rafidain University College in Baghdad, Iraq, and her M.Sc. in computer science (image processing) from the Mustansiriyah University in Baghdad, Iraq. Currently, she is working toward her Ph.D. degree in computer science (Bioinformatics) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia. Her research interests include bioinformatics, membrane computing, and image processing. 
Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin, UTM Big Data Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai
Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in mathematics from New Jersey and her Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Currently, she is the Director of the UTM Big Data Center and a full professor of computer science at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia. Her research interests include big data analytics, machine learning, GPU computing, soft computing and its applications, pattern recognition, and geometric modelling.


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How to Cite
Yahya, S. I., Yahya, R. I., Al-Salibi, B., Al-Khafaji, G. K. and Shamsuddin, S. M. (2017) “Three-dimensional Image Segmentation using Tissue-like P System”, ARO-THE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF KOYA UNIVERSITY, 5(2), pp. 67-74. doi: 10.14500/aro.10316.